Data Submission
To process data on your own for peer submission:
To process data on your own and receive real-time reports, please contact data reduction or technical support to learn more about the early access period to the cloud-based processing software, MSDRx Infinity through the myCalVer portal.
Please use this link to register for a myCalVer portal account if you do not already have one.
Data that we will be processing on your behalf can be submitted via email, fax, or mail.
For submissions via email, fax or mail, use our Data Submission Forms and save this blank form on your computer for reuse.

Click on the images to download.
When ready to submit data, fill in all information and data where required (instructions for completing the Data Submission Form). Then save the file using the "Save as" menu item. Use a unique file name that will identify the product used and the date of testing. Then send us the completed Data Submission Form(s) by email, fax or mail.
To assist us with processing data, please migrate to our new data submission form (see download above). Please type the recovered data into the Excel spreadsheet and then submit as an attachment via email to:
Email your completed Data Submission Form(s) to:
Fax your completed Data Submission Form(s) to:
Attn: Data Reduction Department
Mail your completed Data Submission Form(s) to:
LGC Maine Standards
Attn: Data Reduction Department
221 US Route 1
Cumberland Foreside, ME 04110
About the Data Reduction Department
The Data Reduction Department will send you an email or fax confirmation of receipt of your data. Your completed reports will be returned within five business days.
Call 1-800-377-9684
Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, ET
Fri: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM